Q-Workshop Call of Cthulhu Horror on the Orient Express Black/Purple 7ct Polyhedral Set
Q WORKSHOP welcomes you aboard the Orient Express. Others can give you coffee and croissant. We give you a chance to take this elegant dice set, made with high quality plastic,  and put it all vabanque. With our dice every roll can save your character, and maybe, only maybe, save the world in the epic campaign from Chaosium: Horror on the Orient Express for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Roleplaying Game.
You decide if number Seven (the number of dice counts our set) brings you luck. We choose the noble black and purple as a main theme for dice with mastercrafted engravings. All dice faces recall the ultimate experiences of luxury travels with the legendary train that roams across Europe in Age of Ladies and Gentlemen, sophisticated Killers too. After you succeed in your journey, you can keep the dice for future adventures. They are worth it.